This is somewhat instrumental in resolving the imaginary distinction between Probability Theory and Statistical Theory. How then can one deal with this epistemological inadequacy with its nuances? Jaynes’ Objective-Bayesianism expressed in the Ma圎nt principle serves as the foundation of Probability theory for modern science. Since most Decision problems hinges on uncertainty crisis in enumerating the range of possibilities. Our mathematical probability model however different, is a powerful analytical tool that guarantees detection of inconsistencies or violations of our other desiderata, derivable from its axioms. But all mathematical formulation attempts to put forward a consistent and complete representation of the real world, often fails to satisfy Kurt Gödel’s incompleteness theorem. Within this framework the use of Logic and Set Theories, was key to understanding the foundations of mathematics. At Jaynes’ time of writing, the speculative sciences were beginning to assume a mathematical bend vis-a-vis the representation of the process of reasoning quantitatively. This work pries into the analytic and systematic approach to the study of decision making in the light of Edwin Jaynes’ Probability Logic.

The concluding chapter explains how writing this research paper is relevant to the writer as a student and as a professional. Chapter 3 defines science and presents key concepts that prove that inferential statistics is, indeed, a scientific methodology. Chapter 2 explains how formal numerical inference is used in various fields, and in different types of research papers. The first chapter introduces key terminology, history, importance and advantages, dangers and limitations of statistics in general and inferential statistics in particular. With correct usage, inferential is accepted as a key element in scientific research procedures, particularly in doctoral dissertations because, by definitions, a doctoral dissertation is a formal research paper that creates new knowledge including new hypotheses or models. According to the parameters of scientific practice, inferential statistics may be used erroneously and thus produce incorrect results. It is a way of measuring uncertainties as well as a formal way of expressing probabilities, predictions, extrapolations, and other extensions of reasoning and thought that go beyond the available data. ABSTRACT Inferential statistics plays an important role in various fields of human endeavor as well as in personal development.

This paper presents the usage of different types of inferential statistics, the relevance of statistics to various disciplines, its usage in different types of research, and its relevance to the writer.